Opening of exhibition ‘NO, I'M NOT BYRON; I AM YET ANOTHER CHOICE…’, October 4, 2014, Moscow

On the 4th of October, in the COLOURIT Exhibition Hall in Malaya Dmitrovka Str., display ‘No, I'm not Byron; I am yet another choice…’ of Exhibition Project THE PORTRAIT OF RUSSIAN FINE WORD opened.

The third exhibition of THE PORTRAIT OF RUSSIAN FINE WORD Project again has gathered a great number of guests, artists and spectators. Again, it was interesting, crowded, loud and cheerful; everybody enjoyed the nice and friendly event, both the participants and guests of the opening night.

Вице-президент ТСХР, Заслуженный художник РФ  Николай Чибисов провел церемонию награждения инициативной группы выставочного проекта «ПОРТРЕТ  РОССИЙСКОЙ СЛОВЕСНОСТИ», торжественно вручив активу выставки дипломы и награды.

Vice President of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, Honoured Artist Nikolay Chibisov led the awards ceremony for the Initiative Group of Exhibition Project THE PORTRAIT OF RUSSIAN FINE WORD; he has ceremonially awarded the team with diplomas and honours.

Honoured Artist of the RF Valeriy Ryabovol,
President of Academy of Russian Literature Yuriy Beliaev
well-known Graphisist Leonid Kozlov

have greeted the guests of the opening night.

I’m thankful to all of you who visited the opening night on the 4th of October 2014!
Many heartfelt thanks to the Ryabichevs dynasty that has offered this exhibition site!